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How Utah Contractors Should Deal With a Windy Job Site

There are both controllable and uncontrollable hazards that may be present on a given construction job site, and one that falls squarely into this latter category is wind. Contractors simply have no control over when it is or isn’t windy, and will have to respond to these and similar conditions as they arise – but there are also several simple themes you can attend to that will limit any risks associated with wind on your job site.

At Contractor’s School, we’re here to not only offer assistance with getting a contractor’s license in Salt Lake City or any other part of Utah, but also with numerous areas of expertise for existing contracting businesses – both in terms of day-to-day financial themes and several basic operational tips. How can a good contractor keep their job sites prepared for potential wind and related concerns, plus ensure that everyone on the site is safe from any hazardous conditions? Here’s a primer.

Clean Site

While wind itself is unavoidable, the way you keep your job site prepared for wind is something you have plenty of control over. In particular, ensuring that your site is clean and not dealing with all sorts of loose debris and materials goes a long way.

For certain job types, cleanup itself should be a significant part of the process – some contractors even hire out with trusted site cleaning services to ensure this area is always attended to. From basic closing and securing of containers to themes like clearing debris, covering materials, preventing dust issues and many others, there are several simple themes either you or an outside contractor should be keeping in mind.

Protective Equipment

No matter how clean your site is, there will still be some risks present if you’re working on a windy day – but protective equipment handles many of these. You should have items like googles, gloves, protective clothing, masks or respirators, and secure headgear available on the site, both for yourself and other workers who may be in need. You never know when items from another lot or nearby might blow onto your site and create hazards, so being protected is important even if your site is completely clean.

Structures and Support

One other important theme for any windy jobsite is securing and supporting existing structures. Whether these are complete or just partially-built, you will need to attend to areas like bracing and scaffolding to ensure wind doesn’t tip any structures over or damage them in other ways.

Safety Themes

Finally, while working in limited wind conditions is often acceptable, there are some cases where this is not true. For instance, if you’re working on a site that involves being several feet off the ground, you’re more likely to be pushed off-balance by high winds – if you know major gusts are possible on a given day, we recommend avoiding this sort of work. There may even be certain days or periods where a given site cannot be worked on due to wind-related safety concerns, and a quality contractor needs to be able to recognize these risks adequately.

For more on dealing with wind on a construction job site, or to learn about any of our contractor’s licensing exam or other services in Utah, speak to the staff at Contractor’s School today.

