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Water Conservation Tips for Contractors

There are a number of important sustainability concepts that contractors will regularly be considering during their work, and water conservation is high on any such list. From sustainability and compliance with local codes to keeping costs low and assisting clients in conservation efforts, proper water conservation on jobsites is vital.

At Contractors School, we’re here to assist contractors around Utah with varying needs, from contractor licensure to management of existing contracting businesses and more. Here are some basic tips on why water conservation is an important concept for contractors to be thinking about, plus some of the general approaches used in the contracting world to limit water usage and keep jobsites sustainable.

Why Water Conservation Matters to Contractors

There are several reasons why water conservation is an important priority for contractors. Aside from the obvious benefits to the environment, being mindful of water usage can also bring a number of practical advantages for contractors, including:

  • Compliance with local codes: Many cities and towns have regulations in place that limit how much water can be used on construction sites. By adhering to these rules, contractors can avoid fines and delays in their projects.
  • Cost savings: By conserving water, contractors can save on utility costs associated with their jobsites. This is especially important for larger projects that require significant amounts of water.
  • Client expectations: In today’s world, clients are increasingly concerned about sustainability and environmental impact. By demonstrating a commitment to water conservation, contractors can meet these expectations and potentially attract more clients.

Our next several sections will look at basic approaches contractors might consider when it comes to water conservation.

Lowering Water Needs

The simplest and most robust way to reduce water usage on a construction site is by reducing the amount of water needed in the first place. This can be accomplished in several ways:

  • Efficient irrigation systems: By using efficient and properly designed irrigation systems, contractors can ensure that only as much water as necessary is used to keep plant life alive on their projects.
  • Using native plants: Planting native plants can reduce the amount of water needed, as these species are already adapted to local conditions and require less maintenance.
  • Recycling water: On larger projects, contractors may consider recycling and reusing water for tasks such as dust control or concrete mixing. This not only conserves water but also reduces costs associated with purchasing large amounts of new water.

IDing Alternative Water Sources

Another important concept for contractors to consider is the use of alternative water sources. These can include:

  • Rainwater harvesting: By collecting and storing rainwater, contractors can use this as an alternative source of water for certain tasks.
  • Graywater systems: Graywater, or wastewater from sources such as sinks and showers, can often be treated and reused for non-potable purposes on construction sites. This is another way to reduce reliance on fresh water.
  • Recycled wastewater: In some areas, treated wastewater from municipal sources can be used for irrigation or other non-potable purposes.

Water-Saving Action Plan

For many contractors, implementing a water-saving action plan can be the best approach to ensure that conservation efforts are taken seriously and followed consistently. This may involve setting goals, tracking water usage, and identifying areas for improvement. With an effective plan in place, contractors can feel confident that they are doing their part to conserve water and promote sustainability on their jobsites.

When creating these plans, it’s important to involve all members of the project team and to regularly monitor progress. By working together, contractors can make a significant impact on reducing water usage and promoting sustainability in their industry.

Consider Water-Saving Devices

In some cases, simple changes in tools or equipment can make a big difference in water usage on construction sites. For example, low-flow toilets and faucets can significantly reduce water consumption without sacrificing functionality. Additionally, using drip irrigation instead of sprinklers can be more efficient and targeted for watering specific areas. By investing in these devices, contractors can save money in the long run while also promoting sustainability.

With the right knowledge and approach, contractors can play a crucial role in water conservation efforts. By being mindful of water usage and implementing sustainable practices, they can not only benefit the environment, but also save money and meet client expectations.

At Contractors School, we encourage contractors to incorporate these concepts into their work and contribute towards a more sustainable future. Contact us today to learn about any of our services for contractors around Utah!

