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Building a Great Portfolio for Your Contracting Business

There are a few things prospective clients may ask of you if they’re considering partnering with your contracting business for a given job, and one of the most common in this industry is a portfolio. A portfolio offers prospective clients a great chance to view your past work and get an idea of the kinds of skills you have and projects you can complete, and having a great-looking portfolio is important for drawing in new business.

At Contractors School, we’re happy to offer numerous services to contractors around Utah, from setting up their business and obtaining proper licensure to managing your existing business and more. Here are some basic tips on how to build a great portfolio for your work that will impress potential clients and help improve your bottom line.

Consider Professional Photography

Depending on the type of contracting work you do, professional photography could be a great way to show off your skills in the best light possible. Professional photographers know how to capture images that make the most of your work, and it can really give an added dimension to your portfolio.

For instance, if you’ve recently completed a remodel, consider hiring a photographer to capture the beauty of your work and highlight it. If you often take on painting jobs, have someone come in and take pictures of your work before and after to show clients what kind of results they can expect when they hire you.

If you do go this route, be sure to discuss the terms of use with the photographer so that you can include the photos in your portfolio without any issues.

Utilize the Best Photos

Whether you’re selecting from professional photos, your own photos or some combination therein, it’s important that you make sure to pick only the best images for your portfolio. Few people are willing to take a chance on hiring someone without seeing what kind of results they can expect, so having great photos is essential.

Take some time and look through all your work-related photos, both professional and amateur alike, and determine which ones really show off the beauty of your work and make the best impression. Take out any photos that are blurry or otherwise subpar, as they can actually hurt your business more than help it.

Include a Variety of Work

Your portfolio should also include a variety of different types of work so prospective clients can get an idea of what you’re capable of. If you specialize in one particular type of job, make sure to include a variety of different projects that are related to that specialty so clients can get an idea of the range of your skills.

On the other hand, if you take on a variety of jobs and specialize in several areas, make sure your portfolio accurately reflects this by including images from a variety of different projects.

Provide Detail

Wherever possible, include details about the projects featured in your portfolio. This could be a description of the project, information on the materials and techniques used or anything else relevant.

This is important for making sure prospective clients have a comprehensive understanding of what you’re capable of and can give them an idea of how you might approach a similar job if they choose to hire you.

Should You Publish Your Portfolio Online?

As the digital realm has grown as a primary source for finding contractors, many businesses are now opting to publish their portfolios online. This can be a great way to showcase your work and skills in an easy-to-access format, but it’s important that you make sure any photos or other sensitive information is secure if you do go this route.

Also, be sure to include contact information or other methods of getting in touch should clients be interested in your services.

Be Prepared to Answer Questions

While a great portfolio is one important piece of the puzzle, it’s also important to be prepared for any questions that prospective clients might have. Have a list of commonly asked questions and answers prepared so you can quickly and accurately answer them in order to win over new business.

In particular, know that clients will ask questions about what they see within your portfolio. If you have a great photo of a particular project, be able to talk about it in detail so that clients feel confident in your ability to complete their own job.

Overall, having a portfolio is essential for any contracting business, as it can give prospective clients the information they need to make an informed decision and choose the right partner for their needs. Make sure you put together a great portfolio that showcases your work in the best possible light so you can stand out from the competition.

For more on this or any of the ways we’ll help you run and optimize your contracting business in Utah, contact our team at Contractors School today.

