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Debunking Myths About Becoming a Contractor

Choosing a career path is a major decision, and the last thing you need while engaged in this process is to be dealing with myths or misconceptions that lead you in the wrong direction. Sadly, for those considering becoming a contractor or starting a contracting business, there are a few such myths out there that should be corrected as you get on your way to success.

At Contractors School, we’re here to help anyone looking to become a contractor or start a contracting business in Utah, from licensure and continuing education courses to DOPL application and more. We also help inform our clients in many ways, ensuring they do not fall victim to silly myths that may exist in this industry. Here are a few of the most potentially harmful myths about working as a contractor and running a contracting business, plus the reality in each situation so you know how to proceed.

Myth #1: Contracting is a Boring Profession

For some reason, there are those who believe that working as a contractor is somehow boring. Maybe it’s because there are indeed some repetitive tasks involved in certain contracting jobs, but the truth is that no two situations are ever identical. In fact, quite the opposite.

For instance, contractors work on site-specific projects in multi-level buildings, and there are always new problems to solve with each job. This requires the contractor to use their problem solving skills, as well as creative thinking, to come up with solutions that will better suit the needs of their clients.

Myth #2: There Isn’t Any Real Money in Contracting

Another common and potentially harmful myth about working as a contractor is that there isn’t any real money to be made. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as the most successful contractors make an impressive income and can often enjoy a great lifestyle while doing what they love.

The reason many people believe this myth is because starting up a contracting business with little experience or knowledge of the trade can be tough. It is important to understand all of the licenses, laws, and other requirements needed to get started as a contractor in order to make sure that you’re legally compliant and able to maximize your profits.

Myth #3: Injury Risks are Constant and Massive

While it’s true that contractors need to take some basic precautions to protect themselves and their teams at work, the risks of injury are quite limited. In reality, most of the potential hazards that contractors must face can be eliminated by following good safety practices and taking advantage of modern technologies and tools such as power tools and ladders.

This is in contrast to certain mistaken beliefs about this job description. For example, some believe that being a contractor requires working on scaffolding at heights or being exposed to hazardous materials. While these may be potential job hazards for certain contractors, the risks of injury can be greatly reduced when appropriate safety measures are taken.

Myth #4: Contracting Doesn’t Require Any Real Thinking

Yet another myth about working as a contractor is that it doesn’t require any real thinking. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as contractors must plan out their work and think strategically to ensure the job is completed on time, within budget, and with quality results.

Contractors also need to have good problem-solving skills and creative thinking in order to come up with the best solutions for their clients. This requires an understanding of various materials, techniques, and other methods used in the industry to get the job done right.

Furthermore, interactions with clients require constant communication and skilled negotiation in order to ensure that everyone is happy with the results.

Myth #5: Robots Are Replacing All Contractors Soon, Anyway

As modern technology improves, it’s true that various robotic devices may lend several forms of assist to those in the construction industry. However, robots are still a long way off from completely replacing contractors and their services.

In fact, it is estimated that robots will not be able to complete even basic construction tasks for at least another decade or two. And even once this happens, there will be numerous other tasks that robots may not be capable of, such as planning and coordination.

Ultimately, no matter how advanced technology becomes, there will always be a need for human interaction in the construction industry. This makes it clear that contractors will remain an important part of the industry well into the future.

As you can see, the myths and misconceptions about the contracting industry are just that—myths. With a little bit of knowledge and understanding, you can successfully transition to become a contractor or start your own contracting business without fear of potential risks or pitfalls. So go ahead, explore the possibilities and pursue success today!

For more here, or to learn about any of our resources for current or would-be contractors in Utah, speak to our team at Contractors School today.

