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Essential Supplies for Running a Successful Contracting Business Beyond the Jobsite

The concept of supplies is a common one within the contracting industry, but it’s typically considered primarily in terms of supplies required for actual jobs and projects. However, as any longtime contracting business owner can tell you, running a great contracting business will also involve a few other important supplies that serve key roles away from the jobsite.

At Contractors School, we’re here to help contractors in Utah and Tennessee alike with every part of their contracting business, from licensure and initial setup to comprehensive management of your existing business. Here are some top examples of the kinds of non-jobsite supplies you should be thinking about as you get your business off the ground.

Laptop or Other Devices

One of the most important pieces of equipment any contractor can invest in is a quality laptop or other reliable device. You’ll need a device that you can use to manage project materials, communicate with clients, and track your business’s performance metrics.

Modern technology has increased your options available here, as well. Laptops come in all shapes, sizes, and power levels – and you also have options like tablets that can offer you the same features in a smaller, more portable form factor.

As you’re considering the laptop you should invest in for your contracting business, make sure to prioritize power and efficiency. You want something that will let you get through the tasks at hand quickly and reliably, so look for models with fast processors and plenty of RAM.

Business Software

Beyond just a laptop itself, there are a variety of software solutions tailored specifically to contractors that you should consider investing in. These can help to streamline your operations, make sure all of your paperwork is properly organized and stored digitally, automate time-consuming tasks like invoicing and payments, and much more.

No matter what type of software solution you choose for your contracting business, the most important thing is that it fits into your workflow seamlessly and does things like customer service, invoicing, payments, etc. as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Payment System

Speaking of payments, you’ll also need to make sure that you have a reliable and secure payment system set up for your business. This could involve simply setting up a bank account and accepting payments by check, or it could mean investing in an online payment processor such as PayPal or Stripe.

No matter what type of payment system you choose, be sure that the system is secure and easy to use for customers. The last thing you want is to lose business due to a complicated or unreliable payment process.

Office Supplies

Don’t forget about the basics of office supplies – things like pens, paper, file folders, and other organizational items that can help ensure that your office runs smoothly. Even something as simple as a whiteboard and markers can be incredibly helpful for visualizing projects or managing tasks.

You should also invest in a quality printer/scanner combo that you can rely on for any document-related tasks. It should be able to handle both large and small jobs, as well as scan documents efficiently and clearly.

Office Ergonomics

It’s important to also consider the ergonomics of your workspace. Investing in things like an adjustable standing desk, a comfortable chair, and other ergonomic items can go a long way towards making sure you have an office setup that works for you.

These items may not seem like “supplies” in the traditional sense, but they can make a huge difference in terms of your productivity and comfort when working from the office.

Communications Devices

While this may seem obvious, you’d be surprised how many contractors overlook the need for proper communication devices. Make sure that you have a reliable phone and/or intercom system at your office so that you can easily stay in touch with clients, vendors, and other contacts within the industry.

Investing in a VoIP system can also be incredibly beneficial – this type of system allows you to make calls without relying on any traditional phone lines, which can help to save you money over time.

Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of a reliable internet connection. Without this, you won’t be able to access your business software or communicate with clients – both of which are essential for running a successful contracting business.

By investing in the right supplies, you’ll be able to make sure your contracting business is successful and running smoothly. Keep these items in mind when considering what supplies your business needs – from laptops to payment systems, office ergonomics to communication devices – and you’ll be off to a great start.

And for help with any of your contracting business needs in Utah or Tennessee, our team at Contractors School is here to help. Contact us today!

