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How to Increase Your Contractor Job Frequency: Tips and Techniques for Growing Your Business

Many professionals across numerous industries are regularly looking for ways to drum up their business and increase job frequency, and contractors are no exception. If your business isn’t getting as many jobs as you had hoped and you’re looking to increase your demand level, there are a few things you can do here.

At Contractors School, we’re here to help with this and numerous other needs of contractors in Utah and Tennessee, from obtaining licensure and starting a contracting business to managing and growing your existing business and more. Here are some of the simple approaches that may be quite beneficial in helping increase your demand and job frequency if business is slower than you’d like.

Vital Online Marketing Channels

More than ever before, contractors need to market their services online. Whether it be through popular search engines, directories and review sites like Google, Angie’s List and more, or by setting up a website with your portfolio of work and contact info for potential customers to easily find you – these are all avenues that can help get the word out about your business more quickly and effectively.

There are numerous options available when it comes to marketing and advertising your services. Social media is becoming an increasingly popular medium for contractors as well, allowing them to reach potential customers in a more personalized way through platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Importance of a Company Website

One piece of online marketing that’s especially important for contractors is having a company website. Not only does this provide potential customers with information about the services you offer, but it also allows them to see what other people are saying about your business and get a better sense of who you are as a contractor.

Having a well-designed website that provides helpful information, such as answers to common questions, reviews from past customers, and photos of completed projects can help give potential customers the confidence they need to choose you over your competitors.

Join Both Local and National Professional Organizations

Another great way of increasing your demand level and job frequency is by joining local and national professional organizations related to your industry. Being a member of these types of organizations will not only give you access to valuable contacts and resources that can help with growing your business, but also provide potential customers with an added layer of credibility when choosing who to work with.

For instance, the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) offers a variety of resources, such as safety and training programs and awards for excellence in the construction industry, which can help your business stand out from the competition. This sort of thing also allows for excellent networking between contractors, which can lead to further job opportunities.

Pay Close Attention to Reviews

One major tool at your disposal for attracting more business is reviews. Having positive reviews from your customers can do wonders when it comes to increasing demand, and potential customers rely heavily on them when deciding who to hire.

Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to the feedback you receive online and take steps to address any issues that may come up. Whether it be through responding to the reviews or using the feedback as a way to improve your services and customer satisfaction, doing so will help ensure you get more jobs in the future.

It’s also important to pay close attention to negative reviews, as these can be valuable learning experiences for your business in terms of figuring out where you went wrong and how to avoid making similar mistakes in the future. You should also consider responding to these reviews in meaningful ways, such as apologizing sincerely, offering a solution or compensate if appropriate, and thanking the customer for bringing the issue to your attention.

Finally, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking satisfied clients to leave reviews. It’s always a good idea to encourage customers who are happy with your work to share their experiences online, as it can be incredibly helpful in marketing your business and attracting more jobs.

Be Prompt and Honest in Client Responses

Finally, one avoidable reason why some contractors don’t get enough business is because they don’t respond to potential customers quickly enough. It’s important to be prompt and honest when responding to clients, as this will help you build a reputation of reliability and professionalism.

Furthermore, it’s always best practice to provide accurate quotes in a timely manner, rather than guessing at the cost without having all the necessary information. Doing so will create a much better impression on potential customers, as they’ll have the confidence that you know what you’re doing and can deliver results.

There are many ways to increase your demand level and job frequency as a contractor. Having an excellent website, joining professional organizations, paying close attention to reviews, and being prompt with client responses are a few of the best strategies to get more jobs and keep your business thriving.

For more here, or to learn about any of our other contractor services for Utah and Tennessee clients, speak to our team at Contractors School today.

