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Memory Tips for Contractor License Exam Studying

People stress about different things ahead of an important date like a contractor license exam, and in some cases memory is a primary concern. Just like with other forms of tests, some people worry that they will struggle to remember important details that may impact their performance on the exam – but there are some simple tactics to take to ensure this isn’t a concern for you.

At Contractors School, we’re happy to offer numerous resources for contractors around Utah, including contractor license classes, continuing education programs and more. Here are some memory and retention tips or exercises that many people look to when they’re trying to retain information and do as well as possible on their contractor license exam.

Taking Detailed Notes

Some people may scoff at the idea of needing notes to remember key concepts, but for those of us who feel our memory isn’t where we want it to be, taking detailed notes can be a great way to lay a foundation of knowledge you can look back on and even refer to during the exam. Notes also give you a reference point to study from later on, which can help when it comes time to review.

If you’re going this route, think about which note-taking medium makes the most sense for you. You may opt for a digital note-taking system like Evernote, or you might prefer the analog route with a pen and paper.

You should also be thinking about the kinds of things you should include in your notes. Make sure you writing down facts, definitions, formulas other key pieces of information that could be important for the exam.

Underline or Highlight Key Points

As you move through a given text, notebook or other source of information, consider underlining or highlighting key points. For text-based sources like books and articles, you may want to take special care only to highlight those elements that are the most important.

Highlighting can work just as well with digital content sources as it does with physical paper sources. You can also use a different color for each type of concept, making it easier to differentiate between them.

Regular Breaks to Help Retention

If you try to ingest too much information at once, you’re likely to forget it just as quickly. To ensure that you remember the material, make sure to take regular breaks between your study sessions.

These breaks don’t have to be long – they could be as simple as standing up and taking a quick walk around the block or making yourself a cup of tea. The point is to give your brain a break so it can better absorb the information you’re giving it.

Explain Concepts Out Loud

If there are particular concepts you’re struggling to retain, try speaking out loud and explaining them in your own words. This will help solidify the concept in your mind, as it’s more difficult for you to forget something once you’ve said it out loud or written it down.

Explaining a concept also helps you assess how well-versed you are on the subject matter. If you find yourself struggling to explain one element, it may be a sign that you need to spend some extra time studying that particular concept.

Flashcard Drills

Creating flashcards and running through them with friends or family can also be a great way to retain information. It’s also an effective tool for drilling yourself on concepts and definitions you think are important for the exam.

When you create the flashcards, make sure to include an answer key with correct answers – it won’t do any good to quiz yourself if you don’t have the right answer! Also, try to stick with one subject or topic at a time. You may be tempted to throw multiple concepts into one set of cards, but this can only confuse things and lead to more stress.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep and memory are inextricably linked. Not only does sleep help you focus better and stay alert during the day when studying, but it also helps your brain to retain information more effectively.

If you don’t get enough sleep, not only will your concentration levels suffer, but so too will your memory and ability to learn new skills. Try to stick with a consistent sleep schedule so your body can get into a rhythm. This will help ensure you’re getting the restful sleep you need to perform at an optimal level on exam day.

Create Mnemonic Devices or Acronyms

If there are specific concepts, words, formulas or other elements that you know need to be memorized for the test, it may be helpful to create mnemonic devices or acronyms for them. This could be something as simple as “ROY G BIV” – a phrase that helps you remember the colors of the rainbow – or something more complex like an acronym to remember elements of a complicated process.

As you can see, there are many different tactics you can use to help with your memory before taking the contractor license exam. Give these tips a try and remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to retaining knowledge. Good luck and happy studying!

Additionally, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to begin, consider signing up for classes at Contractors School! We’re here to help contractors around Utah with obtaining their license and managing a fantastic business.

