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Why Many Contractors Start Out as Home Inspectors

The world of contracting is a diverse one in several ways, including the methods in which people arrive at this career. Some know they want to be a contractor for many years before they eventually reach this point, while others may start in related fields and eventually transition into contracting later in their careers.

At Contractors School, we’re proud to provide quality contractor’s exam licensing classes, plus numerous other resources for people trying to enter the world of contracting. One common field where contractors often spend time before they arrive in the contracting realm itself: Home Inspections. Why is this a natural route for some to take, and why might you consider it? Here’s a primer.

Home Inspection Basics

For those unaware, home inspection is a field that serves the real estate industry. Home inspection involves an inspector entering a home that’s up for sale and going through its various components with a fine-tooth comb, making notes of any problems that need to be fixed before the house is bought. Issues might include faulty heating systems, electrical problems, plumbing issues, and anything else that could become an issue in the future.

When it comes time to transfer the house’s deed, the inspection information will be provided along with supporting photos to the new owners. Home inspectors also document any findings at the property that they didn’t consider an immediate concern, such as chipped paint or minor water damage, but may become more significant issues in the future.

Tasks for Home Inspectors

Home inspectors will engage in several different tasks, from specific inspections to their movement through multiple homes in a given day. Tasks might include:

  • Examining the interior of specific rooms
  • Checking heating systems, plumbing, and ventilation issues
  • Taking specific measurements of certain parts of the home to assess size, position, or other factors
  • Looking for signs of mold or water damage on ceilings or walls that could become major problems in the future
  • Climbing into attics or peeking into crawl spaces
  • Creating a report that will be sent to clients, one that includes all the pertinent details

Connection Between Home Inspectors and Contractors

As you may have already realized, home inspectors carry out a number of tasks that are similar or even identical to tasks carried out by contractors. This is why it’s not uncommon for some contractors to start out as home inspectors, then eventually transition into the contracting world (or vice versa in other cases).

After all, they’ve already experienced climbing through attics or peeking into crawl spaces; they’re familiar with taking precise measurements for reports, and they’ve even got the necessary construction skills to complete some of these tasks. If they make the move to contracting, that means they won’t have to give up on what they love doing best!

For more on why some contractors start out as home inspectors, or to learn about any of our contracting business services, speak to the staff at Contractors School today.

