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Roofing Business Support

Whether it is a house, business, school, or government building, you need a sturdy roof! In general, the typical roof lasts about 15 years. However, roofs require periodic inspections, maintenance and repairs after installation, leaving roofers in high demand. Learn how to start your own Roofing Company, and whether the venture is the right fit for you!

  1. Know What You Know. You’re an expert in construction and contracting. It’s okay — and even preferable — to delegate! 

  2. Be a Big Picture Person. Many roofing businesses fail due to a lack of forward thinking. How much are you investing in the company — people, money, time? Make sure you have the clientele to pay it off, and make a profit.

  3. Protect Yourself. When you’re registering your business, you need to think about liability. Make sure you’re registered, licensed AND insured. Among a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or LLC (limited liability company), seek good advice about what you should select.

  4. Be Resourceful. Many of the tools and supplies you already have (like the drill in your garage, workshop desks, etc.) will work perfectly fine. Don’t throw money into resources that you already have!

  5. People Skills and Professionalism Matter.  No matter how great of product or service you offer, your company won’t survive without consistent and frequent clients. Be prepared to sell and pitch your business. If you need help, invest in a marketing or consulting firm.

We can help you establish your company and get licensed. It can be easier than you think and we can support you along the way with the tools you need to succeed! Contact Contractor’s School to find out how to make your Roofing business stronger today.

Roofing Specialties

Increase the Scope of Work
Increase Credibility
Increase Profitability
Manage Your Business

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